Safety Spotlight: What To Do About “Near Misses?”

Unlike a Western gunfight “shootout” at the corral on television, serious accidents can cause real anguish and suffering so real and vivid that persons involved or nearby bystanders rarely forget. An accident without injury, though, is more like the bloodless, painless fakery of television “violence”—perhaps without real purpose in the drama, and therefore easy to forget. In real life there …

Safety Spotlight: Don’t Take Hand Tools for Granted!

Too many people do so, both at home and at work. Household jobs usually are light, so you sometimes can get away with using tools improperly or substituting one tool for another. Our work, however, makes rugged demands on tools. If we misuse a tool, or use one that’s wrong for the job or in poor condition, it can result …

Don’t Allow Your Company to Plateau!

5 Steps to Pushing Past That Seemingly Impenetrable Ceiling in Your Business That’s Limiting Your Growth! Every business goes through ups and downs and growing pains along the way, but even a successful business that’s growing at a brisk pace will come against a mighty force at some point in its history. This powerful force has slowed the progress of …

Safety Spotlight: Lift It Twice!

Most of you have heard the general rules of safe lifting. Remember to “Get a firm grip on the load, keep it close, bend at the knees, use your legs to lift the load, and keep your spine in the natural position (with an arch in your lower back).” These principles always apply and should be incorporated into every lift–if …

Are Your Techs Killing Clients?

Why are you in business? Everyone may have a different answer to that question, but the real reason is to make a profit. In the residential-contracting industry, your ability to make a profit rests solely on your ability to serve your clients. Since that’s the case, why do some contractors persist in running their businesses in ways that anger, alienate, …

Your Next Management Enrichment Coaching Session Is TOMORROW: Thursday, June 19, 11 am EDT The Topic: Comfort & Ambiguity!

The online Management Enrichment Coaching series offered by SGI continues TOMORROW, Thursday, October 16, at 11 am EDT! The topic: Comfort & Ambiguity! It doesn’t matter what your trade: HVAC, electrical, plumbing, or roofing.  You’re in the residential service business, and more specifically, you’re in the comfort business.  You provide for people in a way that they can enjoy their …

Recap of a Great Expo in Palm Desert!

Your Palm Desert Expo recently came to a conclusion—it was an incredible week full of new information and insight to help you build even greater success in your business. Fortunately, you can catch up on most of the action in the coming weeks on your affinity website. Although watching the sessions will certainly be helpful, nothing can replace the experience …