What is Commitment to You?

We were privileged to deliver Executive Perspective to over 60 people a couple of weeks ago and many of you made positive strides during the Atlanta EXPO.  During these events we purposely challenge each new and existing member’s level of commitment.  When it was all said and done, we had some that would run through a solid wall to reach their dreams.  We had some that we will have to hold their hands for many steps of the journey.  We had some who ultimately realized that they were willing to contribute, but did not have the fortitude to truly commit to the task at hand. Where are you right now?

I found this oath of commitment the other day from an anonymous author and it made me search my commitment level as well.

“I strive for the highest ideals.  I have outstanding passion, motivation & enthusiasm to constantly improve what I expect from myself. I don’t take the easy way out. I don’t accept defeat. I pick myself up quicker than most. I learn not only from my mistakes, but also by observing the mistakes of others. I don’t have room for excuses in my life. I am committed to developing the necessary skills, attitudes and behavior to achieve my full potential. I challenge immoral acts with courage, self-belief and dedication. I pledge to give my best in talent, time & effort to those in need. I plan to excel, not just get by. I promise to contribute with sincerity & selflessness. Only I can determine my fate. But when it’s all said and done, it doesn’t really matter if I am all of the above. What really matters, are you?”

Do you want to succeed as much as you want to breathe?  I ask you to take a big breath and start this amazing marathon with the first step and continue step, after step, after step.  Don’t stop moving forward and always keep your eyes on the prize.