Take 20 Minutes for Yourself Each Day

The typical work day can be filled with stressful situations and an endless list of tasks that you hope to accomplish.  It’s not easy to see why so many people get overwhelmed.  Overtime, this stress can build up, causing your brain to seemingly lock up.

Stress can seem like a good motivator, but it isn’t healthy in the long run.  In fact, it can lead to bad decisions, missed opportunities, and/or regretful situations.  More and more studies have been produced that show great value in taking regular breaks in your work day.

It may seem a bit foolish or downright childish, but the results cannot be denied.  At the very least, once a day, set aside what’s going on at your shop.  Turn your computer monitor off.  And take some time for yourself… your personal mental wellness.

What to do with that time depends upon what helps invigorate your mind.  For some, it may be great to just lean back in your office chair or sit on a couch.  Maybe even turn on some light music.  And spend 10 to 20 minutes with your eyes closed and meditate.  Not sleep!  Just close everything off going on and clear your mind.

Maybe use this time to dust off a motivational CD you purchased online or at Expo following a presentation by one of the many great speakers your SGI team has brought in.  Listen to the message being delivered.  Focus on how you can improve your well being.  Lock out any other distractions.

Some people thrive on physical activity.  During your 20 minute break, maybe you should take a walk to a coffee shop.  If you’re inclined, spend that time doing some sit ups or pushups in the office.  It can help to get your blood pumping!  Whatever you choose to do, don’t think about what tasks you have the rest of the day.  Focus on what you’re doing at that very moment and nothing else.

Take 20 minutes or so every day and concentrate on improving yourself and your mental make-up.  You’ll find that you’ll be even more productive throughout your workday.  And a less stressed you will make you an even stronger manager and leader for your team.