Safety Spotlight: Was It an Accident or an Error?

What is an accident? Briefly, it is a sudden and unforeseen event. Given that definition, can we say that the Apollo 1 fire that killed three astronauts on the launch pad, and the Challenger disaster, were accidents? The first Apollo 1 fatalities were due to a fire that occurred when the spacecraft cabin was charged with pure oxygen during a …

Safety Spotlight: Ladder Safety!

We have all worked with ladders at some time in our lives, either at work or at home. The following are some tips that may make your interaction with ladders less hazardous: Before using a ladder, inspect it for faults, such as broken rungs or rails. If it is an extension ladder, inspect the pulleys, ropes, and locks for excessive …

Safety Spotlight: Why a Written Safety Program?

The formal safety program is a set of written documents that describe a company’s safety policies, priorities, and responsibilities. The program is designed to bring structure and consistency to your company’s accident-prevention efforts. Without a written document, you might as well have a construction crew without a blueprint, or a factory without a production plan. However, just because a safety …

Safety Spotlight: What To Do About “Near Misses?”

Unlike a Western gunfight “shootout” at the corral on television, serious accidents can cause real anguish and suffering so real and vivid that persons involved or nearby bystanders rarely forget. An accident without injury, though, is more like the bloodless, painless fakery of television “violence”—perhaps without real purpose in the drama, and therefore easy to forget. In real life there …

Safety Spotlight: Don’t Take Hand Tools for Granted!

Too many people do so, both at home and at work. Household jobs usually are light, so you sometimes can get away with using tools improperly or substituting one tool for another. Our work, however, makes rugged demands on tools. If we misuse a tool, or use one that’s wrong for the job or in poor condition, it can result …

New FREE Online Training for ESI Members: “SAFETY MEETINGS” Presented Wednesday, August 27, 11 am EDT

All summer long your ESI team has been offering “Summer School”—free, online training to help you maximize your success in these warmer months! (This training is exclusively for ESI members!) Your next session is: “SAFETY MEETINGS”! It will be offered next week! Yes, you can participate in this training on Wednesday, August 27, 11 am EDT! ESI member and owner …

Do You Have a Safety Culture?

== This week, due to our move, we will not have a video, we’ll be back next week with a brand new video and topic! == I am shocked when members tell me that they don’t have Safety Meetings.  Safety Meetings should be incorporated into your existing training and should be top of mind in everything you do. When should …