Safety Spotlight: Off-the-Job Safety!

shutterstock_272770895You do all you can to protect your people while on the job. But off-the-job safety is up to them. It’s important you remind them that their safety off the job is just as important! It’s not easy to replace good employees—even temporarily. So, when someone gets hurt, everyone suffers. And besides, everyone hates to see anyone injured on the job or off. Here are some things to remind employees about while AWAY from work:


  • Driving safety is one of the best ways to keep from getting hurt. They’ve all heard all the rules and regulations before. And I won’t repeat them. The easiest way to keep from getting hurt is to drive defensively at all times. If another driver tries to cut you off, don’t argue. Learn to protect your life instead of your ego.


  • Take your safety practices home with you. You wouldn’t think of working without gloves or eye protection when it’s required on the job. So why go without it in your home workshop? You wouldn’t use damaged or worn tools at work. So why use a mushroom-headed chisel or a taped-up hammer at home?


  • Don’t overlook safety during recreation times. Did you ever notice how many injuries happen when people are skiing, playing tennis, or relaxing with a little backyard baseball? Don’t overdo it when it comes to recreation. Don’t try to keep up with the kids when you’re no longer one yourself.