Members can now access rebates through SGI Partner Network’s Portal!

Recently SGI Partner Network rolled out phase 2 of the SGI Partner Network portal with many great enhancements. The biggest enhancement is the addition of an SGI Partner Payout icon, which allows members to see rebate payouts. Along with this addition, members will be able to report quantities for Partners that require quantity numbers versus dollar amounts.

Another enhancement that is in the works is being able to track all member discrepancies through SGI Partner Network’s portal page. Enclosed is an updated SGI Partner Network reporting-instruction sheet to walk you through the enhancements and how to report.

Member reporting opens Monday, July 1st—make sure you report!

Although reporting isn’t required, we highly recommend you report each quarter to ensure you receive every dollar you earned. Click on the link above to learn how to report or reach out to anyone on SGI Partner Network’s team to show you how.

As always, SGI Partner Network is here to help and support your team. If you have any questions, please reach out to us.

SGI Partner Network: 866-356-8328

Alana Willey, Partner Engagement Manager, 941-702-9608,

Erin Riggsmith, Rebate Data Specialist, 941-893-2904,

Kevin Gurski, Director of Strategic Initiatives, 941-702-9605,