Distributor or Manufacturer Changes? Update Your PPCFs ASAP

Limited product availability from both manufacturers and distributors can lead to changes in your buying habits. If you have changed supply houses, added a new account number, or started to use a new SGI manufacturer—but have not updated your Preferred Partner Collection Forms (PPCF) yet, do it now before the close of Q2. Most equipment manufacturers require the PPCF to be on file within the quarter that the purchases are made to qualify for the rebate.

The PPCF notifies the manufacturer where you are buying their product. Without communicating with your distributors and account numbers, the manufacturer cannot identify your sales to pay your rebate. Delaying this step can cost you money.

Contact your SGI Partner Network Team at 866-356-8328 or PartnerNetwork@YourSGI.com with any questions.

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