Coach’s Corner: The Next Generation of Online Marketing

It seems like everything is migrating toward the web and the Internet seems to reinvent itself at a crazy pace. It’s also evolved into the Next Big Thing of marketing platforms. Let’s talk about the steps you need to take to be prepared for the next generation of Marketing.

  1. Designate one person in your business to manage you online Marketing. Make sure they are in all Marketing meetings. This person needs to understand all external marketing such as Radio, TV, door hangers and so on. They are in charge on how everything works and how everybody communicates.
  2. Tear down the walls, become more social. Make sure you allow ways that people can add their review, thoughts and ideas about your company. Not just online, but in the home. Find out what their experience was doing business with you.
  3. Research your customers’ needs, wants, dreams and desires. The easiest thing you can do is add a blog to your website. You can also add videos, or how to videos, and podcasts. At the same time you always need to be updating your content.
  4. Make sure your website is mobile friendly. Make sure your site looks good on a mobile device. There is nothing worse than having to do a lot of extra steps to find out what you offer. Did you know that 28% of internet usage comes from a mobile phone? So you need to make it a welcoming experience.
  5.  Put yourself in to your customers’ everyday lives. Blogging is great. Adding events that have nothing to do with your business, maybe a place you went for dinner or a movie. Promote your content first and your company second.
  6. Tell the truth and be honest.  Customers will always find out if you are dishonest with them. It may hurt sometimes and it may be painful, but they will always find out. Be open and honest.
  7. Be yourself. People are more comfortable with others if they relate to them. They want to get to know you. Let your customers in and let them know who you really are.

Thank you for everything you do and I will see you at the next Coaches Corner.