Your SGI Team Has Your Summer 2019 Newsletter Prepared for You NOW!

Spend a Few Minutes Personalizing, Printing & Mailing It &

You’ll See a Huge Return on a Small Investment!

One of your biggest concerns is losing hard-earned customers to another company! To help ensure that doesn’t happen, you want to do everything possible to stay engaged with them and remind them why they chose you as their contractor.

Newsletters are an exceptional tool for strengthening existing relationships with homeowners. In fact, SGI develops a newsletter specifically for you and your trade! You can download the files, make some minor edits to personalize it for your business, and then send the files to a printer of your choice! If you’d like, any reputable printer should be able to easily edit the files for you—making your job even easier! And we have printers as SGI Partners who already have the files!

In fact, your summer 2019 newsletter is available right now! To download it, go to Your SGI HUB. Drag your cursor over Resource Library/Marketing Manual/Marketing Downloads. Within the Marketing Downloads, the newsletter will be housed. To make it much easier/faster, you should be able to do a simple search for “Summer 2019 Newsletter” and it will immediately pop up.

Don’t wait any longer to start instituting a customer newsletter in your company! Use the easily personalized newsletter that we, at SGI, provide! Or start working on your own today! You’ll see a great return from it!