Your Next WEEKLY SUCCESS CALL: Gain Control of the Call You’re On, Whether It’s on the Phone or in the Home

Your WEEKLY SUCCESS CALL will return Wednesday, April 24th, at Noon EDT/9 am PDT. The topic: Gain Control of the Call You’re On, Whether It’s on the Phone or in the Home, with JARED DEAN

Your SGI WEEKLY SUCCESS CALLS dive into topics that impact your business daily. They’re brought to you LIVE every Wednesday. Not only is this an opportunity to learn from an industry expert—you have a chance to ask questions and have them answered immediately. Join the discussion. Let’s learn together and get better together!

The topic: Gain Control of the Call You’re On, Whether It’s on the Phone or in the Home, with JARED DEAN

Synopsis: Success in the service business stems from trust. Does your customer trust and ultimately like you? Trust begins with the customer liking you, but also believing you are the expert and can help them in their time of need. As a service professional, whether you’re on the phone or in the home as a technician or salesperson, you need to be in control of the call at all times. There are ways to remain in control passively, as well as being more straightforward. We’ll explore all these techniques with SGI Coach and Learning Alliance Facilitator Jared Dean! Be sure to hear Jared share his many years of experience and wisdom!

How to register for The WEEKLY SUCCESS CALL?

CLICK HERE. This link will direct you to a WebEx page, where it will ask you to register. You will then be emailed with credentials for this upcoming Wednesday’s WEEKLY SUCCESS CALL. You must register for each WEEKLY SUCCESS CALL—registering once doesn’t grant you access to all.