Your Next Management Enrichment Coaching Session Is TOMORROW – Thursday, July 17, 11 am EDT The Topic: Building Value!

me-logoThe online Management Enrichment Coaching series offered by SGI continues Thursday, July 17, 11 am EDT! The topic: Building Value!

You’re in a competitive industry. There are tons of Jimmys, Jacks, and Joes who will gladly run a service call for a tenth of what you need to and should charge your customer. It’s not that you’re overcharging—you’re running a fair business with expenses and a team that deserves to be paid a good wage. These other “yahoos” are pricing themselves right into debt and eventually into the poorhouse. But all homeowners see is that “Cheap Charlie” is waaaay cheaper than you!

How do you handle that situation when a homeowner questions your prices? Do you know what to say? What should you say? The best way to diffuse the price question is to never have to face it. That should be your goal. Your customers should be so impressed by the value of your services that they immediately understand why they’re paying more—and they’re happy to do so. You’re offering premium service—and the competition is offering anything but!

During this very important training session, we’re going to take a look at just how you and your employees should be building value in your services. You might be confident in how your team performs today, but you might be surprised by what you aren’t doing… but could be. If you want to be paid top dollar, you have to earn it by being a top company. Let’s see how you can possibly impress your customer base even more!

Click here to register for this training session.

Remember that the Management Enrichment Coaching series is 100% free of charge and an excellent way for you to increase your knowledge on a very important topic! The session will last 30 to 45 minutes, and you will be able to ask questions at the end with a live Q&A! The week of the training, you will be emailed a link with information on how to register and participate. In the meantime, be sure to mark the training down on your calendar, so you don’t forget!