VIDEO FEATURE: Tingley Electric Services’ Success Story

Owner Vinny Tingley & His GM Ryan Kerrissey Have Nearly Tripled the Natick, Massachusetts-Based Business’ Revenue at Double-Digit Profitability in Only Five Years by Investing in Training, Managing by the Numbers & Valuing Their People’s Personal Time Away from Work, Ensuring They Enjoy Proper Balance

Vinny Tingley and Ryan Kerrissey have Tingley Electric Services in an incredible position. The business is operationally excellent, has an exceptional name, and most importantly, they have a strong, passionate team surrounding them. While having the business fundamentals in place are necessary to succeed long-term, Vinny and Ryan put the most effort into ensuring their team is happy and motivated every day. They help their people excel by putting a premium on work-life balance—something rarely talked about in service contracting.

The COMPASS Magazine had an opportunity to sit down with Vinny & Ryan at the Dallas Expo to capture their thoughts on their company and their culture built on “Putting Family First.” We hope you enjoy.

If you’d like to learn more about Tingley Electric, the in-depth feature in The COMPASS Magazine can be found here.

00:12: Vinny, could you share with everyone how you got into electrical contracting?

00:50: Ryan, you have a similar story. Could you share how your path crossed with Vinny’s?

01:17: Could you share some of the frustrations in your business prior to joining SGI?

01:49: You got a call from SGI, too, did you not?

02:04: On your flight back from Executive Perspective, share with people what you did.

02:54: How did you get your techs onboard with increasing prices?

04:00: What were some of the other core changes you made upon starting that made a major impact on the business?

04:45: Could you share with everyone your philosophy on daily communication and weekly training?

05:30: How has meeting daily impacted the climate and the culture of the business?

06:05: Share with people how once your team understood the value of inspections and options it transformed the business.

06:45: What you’ve found is by educating people you’ve increased their level of satisfaction in your services, correct?

07:20: What’s the value in looking at every job that’s completed to make sure your techs are doing what they need to be doing?

07:50: Share with everyone what you’ll do when you feel morale may be slipping.

08:50: Your last celebration had some meaning, correct? What was it?

09:03: Where were you when you first started with SGI compared to today?

09:37: Looking back, anything you wish you would have done first or better that might help a newer member?

10:15: What’s the next 5- to 10-year plan look like for Tingley Electric?

10:43: But you’re growing your own—you have an apprentice with every tech, correct?

11:00: How much more fun is work than when you began years ago?