Safety Spotlight: Repeaters!

How many times have you been hurt at work, or even at home for that matter? How about the person next to you doing the same job? Are you hurt more often than your coworkers? If so, why? Some individuals might say they are “accident prone.” But it is not that simple. Your tendency to have accidents is nothing more …

Safety Spotlight: Don’t Take Hand Tools for Granted!

Too many people take hand tools for granted—both at home and at work. Household jobs usually are light. So you sometimes can get away with using tools improperly or substituting one tool for another. Our work, however, makes rugged demands on tools. If we misuse a tool, or use one that’s wrong for the job or in poor condition, it …

Safety Spotlight: Battery Changing Hazards

Explosive hydrogen….Acidic liquids and vapors….Electrical burns….Strains, sprains, hernias, and compressed discs. All of these hazards arise when servicing, charging, or jumping the common lead-acid battery found in cars and trucks. The hazards can be minimized by following a few common-sense-safety rules. Eye Protection: First, always wear safety goggles or a face shield when working around a battery. Batteries contain corrosive …

Safety Spotlight: Gasoline Safety Tips

It’s hard to discuss a flammable liquid as commonplace as gasoline. We use it every day. In fact, since filling up at the pump is such an ordinary occurrence, we tend to forget just how very dangerous gasoline is! When was the first time that you remember using gasoline? Was it asking Mom or Dad to let you hold the …

Safety Spotlight: It’s the Sudden Stop That Hurts

Each year, falls result in many serious injuries—approximately 20% of all falls are fatal. This means that one out of five every people involved in a falling accident, one dies. Let’s spend the next few minutes talking about where falls occur and what we can do to prevent them. HOUSEKEEPING Good footing is the best way to avoid falls and …

Safety Spotlight: Right & Left Turns

Have you checked lately on the manner in which you make turns? Do you properly signal intention to turn? Show consideration for pedestrians and other drivers who may be affected. There is a right way to make turns in driving, with safety and without causing annoyance or danger to others. It is done by letting everyone know just when and …

Safety Spotlight: Pull Over Before Using That Cell Phone!

It’s common knowledge that the number-one cause of work-related fatalities are vehicle accidents. Most companies have at least one truck, if not a whole fleet of vehicles, and their drivers face the hazards of the roadway day after day. Sometimes a trip ends tragically. Now, technology threatens to increase the accident potential for drivers—cell phones! All of your techs have …