Your San Antonio Expo was the LARGEST SGI EXPO in our nearly 20 years of existence. And the response you’ve shared with us regarding the information has been overwhelmingly positive. We’re proud to be able to provide new programs, tools, and strategies that you can utilize in your business…

Now, maybe you were unable to attend Expo? Or even though you took copious notes while in San Antonio, you’d like to re-watch a presentation. If so, you’re in luck. Your SGI team has been working tirelessly to edit, polish, and upload every presentation delivered…

You can find your 2019 San Antonio Expo videos on Your SGI HUB by going to:

  1. Clicking VIDEOS tab in the Main Menu at the top of the page.
  2. Then, scroll down to “Browse Event”
  3. Click on 2019 Spring EXPO – all your sessions can be found there!

Utilize this information to your advantage: Schedule one hour each week, even if it’s in the evening, to watch a presentation. Think about how you can implement that information into your business. What adjustments can you make? How does the speaker’s message pertain to you? Are you doing everything you can in that area of your business?

The only way to get better as a leader of a company is to continue to learn. That’s precisely why SGI makes these videos available as quickly as possible! Also, many of these videos can benefit your team! Culture strengthens as you continue to invest in your team members through training and other outside educational resources. Let SGI help you grow your team by including them in reviewing the Expo footage!

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Your Fall 2019 Expo, when we’ll celebrate 20 years of SGI, in Dallas, Texas! We’ll have tours, presentations, and trainings available the entire week of September 30th through October 2nd! Be sure you’re there to share in the excitement!