Safety Spotlight: Gasoline-Safety Tips

It’s hard to discuss a flammable liquid as commonplace as gasoline. We use it every day. In fact, because to “fill-er up” at the pump is such an ordinary occurrence, we tend to forget just how very dangerous gasoline is!

When was the first time that you remember using gasoline? Was it asking Mom or Dad to let you hold the nozzle to fill the gas tank at your local station? Or maybe it was when you took the family lawn mower out to make some spending money. Of course the mower ran out of gas and you had to fill the gas tank. Were you warned to be very careful when using or transporting gas? As an adult, do you now handle this flammable liquid with the proper respect?

So much of what we do in the contracting industry involves the use of gasoline. it’s used in portable generators, water pumps, cut off saws, pickup trucks, etc.

The key to using gasoline is to remember that it has a flash point of -45′ Fahrenheit and is extremely flammable. DO NOT SMOKE around it! ALWAYS let a gasoline engine cool down before attempting to refuel. ALWAYS shutoff the engine and wipe up any spills right away. Fueling should be done in a well-ventilated area. Be sure you store gasoline in an approved container. NEVER store it in glass or plastic bottles or jars! NEVER use gasoline as a cleaning agent!

If you have any other questions about gasoline, ask your supervisor to review the Material Safety Data Sheet on gasoline. If we all take the time to handle gasoline safely, accidents with this flammable liquid can be greatly reduced or eliminated.