Performance Management System to Be Revealed at Expo!

Expo is weeks away! It’s being held at Grand Hyatt San Antonio, April 1 to 5, 2019. Registration is open: The hotel cutoff date is nearing: March 13th! Book your room by then, or risk being locked out!

One of the biggest presentations being delivered on Friday of Expo that will take two sessions is entitled:

Management Expectations, Performance & Results.

You’ve spent the time and resources hiring the right people and providing them with the right training—but how do you help them maximize their performance? Your SGI family has the system for you to do just that.

You will discover how to properly set & communicate expectations to your team members in a way that will keep them positive and motivated to drive well beyond your year-end goals. In addition, we will define, outline, and explain in-depth the difference between management and coaching. You will discover how to properly engage with each of your employees in the proper fashion to correct any issues that may be arising or simply guide them to enhance their results even more.

The workplace is much different today than it was 20 years ago. You can’t yell at people to do their jobs and expect them to push hard for you. Today, the most successful companies have a performance-management system in place that connects with their people and inspires them to work hard for you. You’ll leave San Antonio with the knowledge of how to build this very own system in your company!

Be sure you’re at Expo to fully benefit—it takes just two minutes to sign up for Expo today:! Be sure to register anyone attending the Gala on the registration site!