The Expo Room Block Discount EXPIRES at MIDNIGHT (PST), TUESDAY, March 7th!

Your 2017 spring Expo is not far away! It will be March 29 to 31 at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, Nevada! The SGI room rate for Expo varies per night, from $129 to 159. This was the best way to ensure you receive the absolute lowest price every day. If you have not registered already, you MUST by MIDNIGHT (PST), TUESDAY, MARCH 7th! The property contractually does not allow us to extend this exceptional discount past this point—so please, go to and register while there are a few precious moments left!

Expo Is The Most Valuable 3 Days to Your Business!

You’re working hard on achieving you goals in 2017. But for the good of your business, please, step away from it for three days, and join SGI in Las Vegas for Expo! Here’s why: Expo is THE most valuable three days to improving your company. Why is Expo so powerful? Here is a little reminder:

  1. You Receive Cutting-Edge Strategies Designed to Improve Your Business.

You’ve received the core SGI program when you attended Executive Perspective. Implement those into your company, and you’ll enjoy success. However, you should always strive to be better. That’s what Expo is designed to do. Your SGI team works diligently all year to develop new strategies to address the latest challenges and trends in our industry. Those are packaged into sessions taught from stage at Expo. We promise when you attend Expo, you’ll leave with a notebook full of ideas to incorporate into your business.

  1. You Network with the Best & the Brightest Contractors in North America.

You may have heard that some of the most successful residential contractors on the continent are faithful members to Success Group International. Well, it’s true. Here’s something even more exciting: These members absolutely love trading information with contractors just like you. This is your chance to rub elbows with some of the largest and most successful people who do exactly what you do―and they WANT to help you. You just have to be there to talk with them!

  1. You Will Leave Expo More Excited & Focused Than Ever Before.

Expo is a time for you to recharge your batteries and get excited and focused on your company. Sometimes the best thing you can do is get away from the day-to-day, so you can get a better perspective of what you’re facing. And your SGI team provides sessions and speakers throughout the three days of Expo specifically designed to get you amped to get back home and work harder and smarter than ever.

We sincerely hope to see you in Las Vegas. We promise it will be worth whatever sacrifices you make to be there! Go to to while you can still enjoy the deep discount the Expo room block provides.