NEW HUB Updates!

When you’re looking for certain SGI information, you want to find it as quickly as possible. You don’t want to spend countless hours clicking and searching. At the same time, we realize it was getting more difficult to find certain tools as we’ve been rolling out countless new programs and tools—especially over the past several years.

A resolution! Your SGI team has improved search functionality in two ways:

  • Updated Resource Library Catalogue: Now, when you go to the “Downloads” pages within YourSGIHUB, we have grouped the tools that are more closely affiliated with one another. Now, you won’t have to search 30 different links—you can focus on just 4 or 5, for example.
  • Enhanced Searchability: Many of the new programs and tools rolled out at Expo and uploaded to the YourSGIHUB are zipped in a file together—so you’re able to review ALL its contents at one time. However, in the past, if you only wanted to find one form (for example), and you searched for its name, you likely wouldn’t have located it. Now, every file, document, and form within every folder can be located when searching for it, making life much easier for you.

We’re constantly searching for ways to improve your user experience with YourSGIHUB. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to share them with your coach.