MEMBER SUCCESS STORY: Brham Trim & The Gentlemen Plumbers in Alberta, Canada

Owner Brham Trim & His Team Have Grown the Multi-Million Dollar Business Operating at a Strong Profitability with Multiple Locations throughout Alberta, Canada, by Changing the Perception of Plumbers, Delivering Exceptional Value, Managing by Numbers & Learning How to Allow Others to Lead.

Brham owns and operates The Gentlemen Plumbers, which has multiple locations and service areas throughout the province of Alberta. You may not believe it when looking at him, but he’s been a member since 2002, joining PSI as a fresh-faced, 20-something kid. On the advice of his dad, a fellow plumber, he started his own business. After a rough initial year, he took a chance and became a member.

Today, The Gentlemen Plumbers is bustling. Brham is too modest to share the exact number, but it’s one of the largest service companies in the province—a multi-million-dollar operation turning a strong profit. However, as you will learn, it took some hard lessons learned for Brham to experience exponential growth.

0:12: Share with us your unique background.
1:09: What was the company’s original name?
1:52: You joined PSI in 2001 when you were just 23 years old. Why?
2:45: What did you start doing after attending your first PSI Expo?
3:42: How did those three immediate changes impact your revenue?
4:18: As “The Gentlemen Plumbers,” do all your techs really wear ties?
5:26: Let’s fast forward: as few years ago, you added a recruiter. Why?
7:23: What characteristics do you look for in people when interviewing?
8:36: Share how your brand-new Calgary office will help your team to build and recruit.
10:31: How quickly can you get a green technician into the field?
11:23: How often do you train as a company?
12:02: With five service areas, do some of your techs video conference into training?
13:07: When did you decide to hire your first operations manager?
15:08: As an owner of a large organization with tiers of management, what does your day look like?
17:20: What does the future look like for The Gentlemen Plumbers?

THE COMPASS Magazine had an opportunity to sit down with Brham to capture his thoughts on video recently. We hope you’ll enjoy. And if you’d like to learn more about The Gentlemen Plumbers, Brham’s in-depth story can be found here: