May Is National Electric Safety Month!

Your ESI Team Has Some Helpful Marketing Tools to Generate Publicity & Leads!

Your ESI team has crafted a series of marketing pieces to help you celebrate this big month with your community, customers, and prospective customers. You now have a press release, Facebook post, email, and direct-mail piece at your disposal!

To access and download these pieces, go to your SGI HUB. Drag your cursor over Resource Library/Marketing Manual/Marketing Downloads. Within the Marketing Downloads, the National Electrical Safety Month marketing materials will be housed. To make it much easier/faster, you should be able to do a simple search for ” National Electrical Safety Month” and it will immediately pop up.

Please, before using any of the pieces, be sure to personalize them for your business. These areas are highlighted in yellow. For example, you’ll need to type in your company name, phone number, etc.

Good luck with your National Electric Safety Month marketing! Let us know if we can help in any other way!