Learning Alliance Day: Understanding Behavior Types Using the DiSC® Assessment Test!

Learning Alliance Day Is OPEN to ALL—Members, Managers & Employees!
ONLY 400 People Can Attend – REGISTER NOW!

Your Learning Alliance team has spent countless hours talking with you, our members. We’ve listened to your needs and desires, and we’ve heard loud-and-clear a desire for guidance on how to help, train, and manage, all sorts of people. That will be the focus of our first Learning Alliance Day: Understanding Behavior Types Using the DiSC® Assessment Test.

Each person is unique, but research has identified that we have more in common than we think—especially when it comes to why we act the way we do. DiSC is an assessment tool that has managed to categorize our behaviors and explains how they drive our decisions and actions. During Learning Alliance Day, you’ll learn the finer points of the DiSC assessment—and more importantly, you’ll also learn how different behavior types work (or don’t work) together by taking part in a variety of activities—be sure to wear comfortable shoes! (That’s all we can share for now!)

You’ll leave Learning Day with a much deeper understanding of how to communicate with people different than yourself. You’ll be in a much better position to help your employees, coworkers, and especially clients. That will obviously lead to a happier and more successful company…

Learning Alliance Day Is OPEN to ALL—Members, Managers & Employees!
ONLY 400 People Can Attend – REGISTER NOW!
Lorna Kibbey

Lorna Kibbey

About Your Learning Day Instructor: Lorna Kibbey
Lorna Kibbey has first‐hand experience in dealing with the most difficult situations managers face. She served as a leader and manager for more than 24 years in the government sector. Lorna has worked as a senior management consultant, operations administrator, program consultant, trainer, and line supervisor in a multitude of public-service programs.

Today, Lorna designs and delivers management and leadership motivational speeches, seminars, and services to public and private-sector organizations. Her sessions focus on the many issues surrounding leadership, motivation, and communication.

Lorna earned her Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of South Florida and her Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts from the University of Cincinnati. She has achieved recognition in the State of Florida as a Certified Public Manager and was recognized as “Best Boss of the Year” in a nationwide initiative.

We’re excited to unveil a new type of training day at Expo—Learning Alliance Day! We promise you’ll be thrilled you brought your entire team for this eye-opening training experience!

register-now-buttonYour New Orleans Expo promises to be the very best. So be sure you’re in the Big Easy for it! Go to www.registerforsuccess.com now!

Please Remember: The hotel cut-off date for the special SGI rate is March 8th!