$1,231,717 is the Q1 2019 SGI Member rebate payout!

Rebates were processed this week and the checks will be hitting your mailboxes at the end of this week and early next week. We appreciate your continued support of SGI Partner Network and if you would like to learn how to increase your rebate check, call us and we’ll schedule a training for you or your team.

SGI Partner Network is turning up your Bradford White rebates for the second half of 2019!!!!!

We have put together a Bradford White Conversion & Growth rebate program where every member can earn more on their Bradford White purchases. The program timeline is July 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019. New Bradford White customers and members who purchased less than $5,000 in Bradford White in Q3 2018 and less than $5,000 in Q4 2018 are eligible to earn an additional 2% rebate on top of the standard 3.5% Bradford White rebate! That’s a potential 5.5% rebate!

Loyal SGI Bradford White customers aren’t being excluded—you can earn an additional 1% rebate on all your purchases if you have a 25% increase over Q3 2018 or Q4 2018 purchases. If the 25% increase is hit, the additional 1% rebate goes back to your dollar $1 for that quarter. SGI-member purchases from all Bradford White distributors qualify for both the conversion- and growth-rebate programs!

And don’t forget that you can turbo charge these rebates even more by purchasing your Bradford White products from our double-dip distributors: Ferguson & RE Michel. If you purchase from these distributors not only do you get the Bradford White rebate, but you get the SGI Ferguson and RE Michel rebate as well.

All SGI members are eligible to participate, we just ask that you report your Bradford White purchases each quarter to ensure you earn every rebate dollar you are eligible for. If you have any questions regarding this program, don’t hesitate to reach out to SGI Partner Network’s team.

As always, SGI Partner Network is here to help and support your team. If you have any questions, please reach out to us.

SGI Partner Network: 866-356-8328

Alana Willey, Partner Engagement Manager, 941-702-9608, AWilley@YourSGI.com

Erin Riggsmith, Rebate Data Specialist,941-893-2904, Eriggsmith@YourSGI.com

Kevin Gurski, Director of Strategic Initiatives, 941-702-9605, KGurski@YourSGI.com