10 Ways to Stay Focused on Your Post-Expo Objectives

You’ve returned from San Antonio and Expo. It was so nice to see your long-time friends and get away from the daily grind of your business. But that nice, long break is over. It’s time to refocus and make some improvements…

While at Expo, you encountered several ideas from fellow members and from the daily presentations. Hopefully, you took copious notes and recorded any changes you want to make once you return to your business. Now it’s time to channel those thoughts into objectives that will create change. But how do you initiate change while also dealing with the daily requirements of running your business? The key is to focus…

Here are 10 Way to Stay Focused on Your Post-Expo Objectives:

1. Write Down Your Objectives. This is a critical step. What gets written gets achieved. Don’t think it, ink it. When you write down goals, they not only appear on paper, they become written on your subconscious.

2. Visualize. Read your written-down objectives every day. Then, spend a moment visualizing the success that will come from them. What will your company look like? How will it impact your customers and employees? How will it affect you? The more real you can make your vision in your mind, the more powerful it becomes and the more it will drive you.

3. Make a Plan of Action. To achieve and stay focused upon your objective, create an action plan. What are the steps you will take to get you from where you are to where you want to be? Your strategies will likely change as you go along, so set your goals in concrete and your plans in sand. Keep your eye on the goal but remain flexible in your path to it.

4. Measure Your Progress. You can’t change what you don’t measure. Create mechanisms that will allow you to see your progress. Log your actions. Use anything that will encourage you by allowing you to objectively track your progress. We all need feedback.

5. Create an Accountability System. Speaking of feedback, ask an SGI coach or a group of fellow members whom you can share with them your goals and whom will keep you accountable. Speak with these people weekly. Make a scheduled time on the same day. Share your progresses and failures. Help each other along the way.

6. Maintain a Positive Mindset. Positivity is so important for finding success. If you’re not feeling positive, negative thoughts can cripple your actions and ultimately derail you. Listen to positive podcasts. Read positive books. Talk with positive people. Look for uplifting quotes. Choose to have a good day—after all, how you feel is always up to you.

7. Focus on Only a Few Goals at a Time. Many people leave Expo with a list of 20 or more action items they would like to implement in their businesses. That’s great. But don’t tackle them all at once. Instead, select the two or three most important and pursue them passionately. Cross them off; then, reset your aim on two or three more. Be sure to assign deadlines to each task, too, to keep you driven and motivated for change.

8. Take Action Every Day. An important objective warrants daily attention. A 400-page novel is not written all at once. To many, writing a 400-page novel would be overwhelming. But a little over a page a day will get it done in a year. Every goal can be broken down into doable tasks done consistently.

9. Celebrate Your Milestones. Mark your successes and acknowledge yourself for your progress. As you achieve one goal, you can see better and believe more easily in the accomplishment of others. You deserve to succeed—and you deserve to celebrate your successes.

10. Remember You Have Powerful Resources. Not only do you have fellow members who are eager to help you, you always have your family at SGI willing and wanting to help you in any and every way. Uncertain how to approach a certain goal? Give us a call. Can’t seem to push past a certain ceiling in your company? Give us a call? Looking for just some positive reinforcement? Give us a call. Your success is our ultimate goal. We’ll do whatever is possible to help you achieve each of your objectives. But we can’t help, if you don’t call.

As a reminder, your SGI team is already diligently working on all the video captured from Expo. We’re editing and processing it as quickly as we can. Look for future updates as to when it will be available for viewing on the video player on Your SGI HUB.