Your Next WEEKLY SUCCESS CALL: How to Make Work Fun by Utilizing Games & Contests by ABIGAIL CHEN (GM of Cassel Home Comfort) & LON CASSEL

Be Sure to Tune-In Wednesday, December 6th, at Noon EDT/9 am PDT

Your SGI WEEKLY SUCCESS CALLS dive into topics that impact your business daily. They’re brought to you LIVE every Wednesday. Not only is this an opportunity to learn from an industry expert; you have a chance to ask questions and have them answered immediately. Join the discussion. Let’s learn together and get better together!

We’re already focused on your next WEEKLY SUCCESS CALL…

The topic: How to Make Work Fun by Utilizing Games & Contests by ABIGAIL CHEN (GM of Cassel Home Comfort) & LON CASSEL

Synopsis: “My techs are only motivated by money!” At SGI, we hear that all the time—and that may be true for some of your people. Yet, even for the most money-motivated person, work can get stagnant and repetitive—unless you, as an owner and manager, spice things up. Yes, it’s possible to make work fun! Abigail Chen, GM of Cassel Home Comfort, and Lon Cassel will show you how to make your workplace more exciting by utilizing games and contests… You’ll find that you can utilize these exact same games and contests in your company, as well. By increasing the competition, you’ll find yourself with increased sales and a happier team!

How to register for The WEEKLY SUCCESS CALL?

CLICK HERE. This link will direct you to a WebEx page, where it will ask you to register. You will then be emailed with credentials for this upcoming Wednesday’s WEEKLY SUCCESS CALL. You must register for each WEEKLY SUCCESS CALL—registering once doesn’t grant you access to all.