Happy Independence Day & Canada Day!


Happy Independence Day to our many American members!  And Happy Canada Day to our many Canadian members!  During this week both the United States and Canada celebrate two very important days in their respective histories.

Independence Day, more commonly referred to as the Fourth of July, commemorates the Second Continental Congress representing the 13 colonies signing the Declaration of Independence pronouncing their freedom from Great Britain.

Canada Day is typically celebrated on July 1st.  It marks the joining British North American colonies of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Province of Canada into a federation of four provinces (the Province of Canada being divided, in the process, into Ontario and Quebec) on July 1, 1867.

Indeed, these are two landmark days that deserve a moment of reflection and appreciation.  Both the United States and Canada have survived and triumphed over incredible amounts of risk and challenge leading up and proceeding their inceptions.  Now, they’re two of the greatest nations in the world—and the envy of many.

Millions spanning the globe are bound and oppressed by religious spite, cultural hatred, and racist ignorance.  They don’t have the chance to attend school, better their living situations, dream of a better life, and achieve it.  They pray for the freedoms we all enjoy today living in the United States and Canada.

We choose our leaders.  We influence our fate.  We are free people.

At SGI™, we know this is a busy time of the year for you.  Calls can flood your phones.  Your people can be working long, hard hours.  You’re pushing for a banner year.  But be sure to take at the very least a few moments to appreciate the countries which we call home.  And be thankful for those brave souls who risked their lives—and still do so today—and allow us to operate businesses, create opportunity for our families, and live like free citizens.

Happy Independence Day!  Happy Canada Day!